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Employee Communications Benefit Communications Association Communications Advocacy Communications
association communications

Association Communications

Your members want programs and services that are important to them. Meeting -- or exceeding -- your current members' expectations, while reaching out to prospective members, is essential to your association's success.

ASC helps you develop targeted, benefits-driven messages to communicate the value of your association.

Connect with members

ASC works with you to communicate your association's mission and image -- so that both current and prospective members feel that they belong.

Whether it's building loyalty among current members…marketing new initiatives to attract new members…or focusing on the career and professional development they gain from a specific program, we'll help you convey what's most important to your members - from their perspective.

Deliver messages that resonate

ASC develops messages and materials that are targeted and customized to reach your members, such as:

  • Prospective member packages
  • Direct marketing materialsconnect with members
  • Welcome kits
  • Internet content
  • Affinity/benefit plan materials
  • Membership handbooks
  • Brochures and newsletters
  • Advertising

Let people know why they should join your organization. Partner with ASC to communicate the value of your association to current and prospective members.
